Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mother's Favorite Time of Year...........

..............was not Fall.  She like Winter the best because once all the leaves are gone she could see more things.  She was like me, in that she was somewhat claustrophobic.  The leaves in the summer time "smothered" her, she would say.  I, on the other hand, do love Fall so I'm going to show you a few pictures of Fall colors.                                                 
 First, is this small display in my yard.  I have meant to do this every year since we moved here 8 years ago.  But, I've always had so much going on.  Well, this year, one of my dear friends sent the large purple mums in the back of this display.  The plow belonged to my husband's grandfather.  I bought the pumpkins from the local Methodist youth group, and I purchased the other mums from Walmart.  I love, love, love purple, yellow, and green together.  Oh yeah, I added in a few berries from my nandena bush, or I should say, my husband's grandmother's nandena bush, as she planted it long before we moved here.  I created this display the day before yesterday, before the storms hit, and I've been afraid to look to see if any of it is still there!  My husband says he's going to go to his dad's barn to get a couple of old hay bales, but so far he hasn't had time.
This is the first year that I have noticed the beautiful firey colors on our crepe myrtles (again,  my husband's grandmother's). 
Berries on the nandena bush.
Now, for some pretty colors of a different sort.  While I was carrying the mums and plow out to make the display, my ankle just turned and this is the result.  It really doesn't hurt too badly, but right at the moment, it did!  I thought I'd really messed it up.  I've iced it and elevated it, so it isn't so bad.  I usually don't have "cankles"!
This morning I called the retirement and social security offices.  That was easy.  The retirement office is sending me forms to fill out to send back in with a copy of the death certificate.  For social security, the phone call was all I needed to do.  If she gets a check in November, I simply send it back, but the nice lady told me that they shouldn't be sending her one.  She keeps the October one!  That surprised me.


  1. I expected my mother's deposit to be taken out of her account when she died too, but they explained to me that anyone that got their check on the 3rd of the month was being paid for the previous month. Those of us getting it later in the month are being paid for the current month.
    I like your pretty display. I never take time to do anything in the fall.

  2. Julia- I hope your ankle heals quickly! Looks so sore :( I love your fall display ♥ Fall is my favorite time of year :)

    PS- I really wish I could grow a nandena bush- so beautiful!
