Sunday, May 1, 2011

Five Minute Friday on Sunday.......

Does it count if I write on Sunday for the Five Minute Friday challenge?  On Friday we were on the road coming back from SC.  We brought our daughter and her two little ones home with us for a week.  So, we are having too much fun for me to be on the computer very much.
Today I'm linking up to Lisa-Jo aka the gypsy mama, who chooses a topic every Friday and writes for five minutes.Only five minutes
And the rule is that whatever you write about in that five minutes is what you posts. No editing your thoughts. Today, her topic choice is "If I Knew I Could, I Would…...."

This week's topic is
If I knew I could, I would..........
do so many things that I have always wanted to do, like write a series of children's books.  I would design a line of clothing for children.  I would paint well enough to sell my work.  I would bake and design unbelievable cakes.  I would write a book for parents and teachers that would help them help their children who are students be more successful, and by that I don't necessarily mean make better grades, but that they would be happier.  I would cure allergies, cancer, COPD, staph infections, heart disease, arthritis, etc........................!  I would slow down time when I am sewing and/or when I am with my grands and daughters.  I would earn enough money to not ever have to worry or need for anything ever again.  Oh yeah, I think the number one thing I would do is figure out how every person in the world, especially older people would have better health care and not have to worry about the cost of it!!!
Times up!  That was quick.

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